Amazon S3 Ftp Settings

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  1. Can You Ftp To S3
  2. S3 Ftp Server
  3. Amazon S3 Ftp Settings Plugin

By default, Plesk stores backups on the server. However, this presents arisk. If the server's hard disk fails, you can lose both your websitedata and your backups. Cd dvd labels covers. To avoid this, we recommend storing backups inremote storage. This topic explains how to configure remote storage forbackups in Plesk.

One key option is the ability to store your backups off-server with Amazon S3. Note: To setup Amazon S3 you will need your Secret Access Key. It is strongly recommended that you create an IAM User for your Amazon S3. In this blog, I will show you how you can potentially replace your secure ftp servers by using Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3). Amazon S3 provides additional benefits, for instance, lifecycle policies which can be used to automatically move older files to a cheaper storage, which could potentially save you lots of money. Incremental Backups: Amazon S3 destinations will first generate a total number of retentions worth of full backups, taking one backup job cycle to complete.JetBackup will then cycle through each full backup on subsequent backup job runs, pushing incremental changes on each corresponding full backup.

You can configure the following types of remote storage:

  • FTP storage
  • Amazon S3 Backup storage
  • S3-compatible storages:
    • DigitalOcean Spaces
    • Various S3-compatible storages (Minio, OpenStack, and others)
  • Google Drive Backup storage
  • Microsoft OneDrive Backup storage

Storing scheduled backups in a remote cloud storage is a premiumfeature. Ask your hosting provider to unlock it or store backups inthe server storage, in the FTP storage, or use manual backups.

You can configure more than one remote storage, but you can only haveone S3-compatible storage configured at a time. For example, you canconfigure both Amazon S3 Backup and Google Drive Backup, but not AmazonS3 Backup and DigitalOcean Spaces.

System lock pin code. When creating backups, you can only use one remote storage at a time. Ifyou want to store backups in more than one remote storage, create abackup once for every remote storage you want to use.

FTP Storage

To configure the FTP storage:

  1. Set up a server that would act as the FTP storage. It must bepossible to connect to that server from the Plesk server via FTP.
  2. Go to Tools & Settings > Backup Manager > Remote StorageSettings > FTP.
  3. Select the 'Use FTP Storage' checkbox.
  4. Specify the settings for the server you set up during step 1,including the server's hostname or IP address, the path to thedirectory for storing backups, and the FTP username and password.
  5. If the Plesk firewall is configured to ban incoming connections fromFTP servers, select the 'Use passive mode' checkbox. Make sure thatthe server you set up during step 1 supports the passive FTP mode.
  6. (Recommended) Select the 'Use FTPS' checkbox to use an encryptedconnection when transferring backups to the remote storage. Thisensures that your data cannot be intercepted by a third party. Makesure that the server you set up during step 1 supports FTPSconnections.
  7. Click OK.

The FTP storage is configured. Now you can select it when creating amanual or scheduled backup.

Amazon S3 Backup Storage

To configure the Amazon S3 Backup storage, you need an IAM user account.We call this account restricted because it has a limited number ofpermissions necessary for the Amazon S3 Backup extension to operate.

Amazon S3 Ftp Settings

The extension can automatically create a restricted IAM user account, oryou can do it manually.

To configure the Amazon S3 Backup storage automatically:

  1. Create an AWSaccount.
  2. Log in to your AWS account, go to My Account > SecurityCredentials and then copy the access key ID and secret of the AWSaccount root user.
  3. Log in to Plesk and go to Tools & Settings > Backup Manager >Remote Storage Settings > Amazon S3 Backup.
  4. Keep the 'I will use the root account credentials (will not bestored)' option.
  5. Paste the ID and secret copied during step 2 into the 'IAM UserAccess Key ID' and 'IAM User Access Key Secret' fields respectively.
  6. Provide abucketwhere your backups will be stored. You can use an existing bucket inyour AWS account. You can also have the extension automaticallygenerate one for you (if you do, we do not recommend changing thebucket's name).
  7. To store backups in a specific folder inside the bucket, type thefolder's name into the 'Path' field. To store backups in the bucket'sroot, type '/' into the 'Path' field.
  8. Click OK.

To configure the Amazon S3 Backup storage manually:

  1. Create an AWSaccount.
  2. Create an IAM useraccount.Make sure to grant the s3:CreateBucket, s3:ListBucket,s3:GetObject, s3:PutObject, s3:DeleteObject,s3:ListMultipartUploadParts, s3:AbortMultipartUpload, ands3:ListAllMyBuckets permissions to the account.
  3. Create an IAM user accesskeyand write down its ID and secret because you will need them later.
  4. Log in to Plesk and go to Tools & Settings > Backup Manager >Remote Storage Settings > Amazon S3 Backup.
  5. Select the 'I have created a restricted IAM user account' option.
  6. Paste the IAM User Access Key ID and the IAM User Access Key Secret,which you have copied during step 3, into the corresponding fields.
  7. Provide abucketwhere your backups will be stored. You can use an existing bucket inyour AWS account. You can also have the extension automaticallygenerate one for you (if you do, we do not recommend changing thebucket's name).
  8. To store backups in a specific folder inside the bucket, type thefolder's name into the 'Path' field. To store backups in the bucket'sroot, type '/' into the 'Path' field.
  9. Click OK.

The Amazon S3 Backup storage is configured. Now you can select it whencreating a manual or scheduled backup.

Google Drive Backup Storage

To configure the Google Drive Backup storage:

  1. Create a Google account ifyou do not have one.
  2. Go to Tools & Settings > Backup Manager > Remote StorageSettings > Google Drive Backup.
  3. Sign in to the Google account whose storage you will use to storebackups.
  4. Click Allow to allow Plesk to view and manage the files in yourGoogle Drive.
  5. Click the link to send the Google Drive authorization data to Plesk.
  6. Select the 'Use the storage' checkbox.
  7. (Optional) By default, Plesk creates the 'My Plesk' folder in yourGoogle Drive and stores backups there. If you want to store backupsin another location, type the desired path in the 'Path' textbox.
  8. Click OK.

The Google Drive Backup storage is configured. Now you can select itwhen creating a manual or scheduled backup.

If you want to store backups in Google Drive storage associated with adifferent Google account, go to Tools & Settings > BackupManager > Remote Storage Settings > Google Drive Backup andclick the 'Log out' link.

This will disconnect the currently connected Google Drive Backupstorage. You can then connect a different one following the steps above.Disconnecting the Google Drive Backup storage does not remove the Pleskbackups stored in it. If you reconnect it at a later date, you will seethe stored backups in the Backup Manager and will be able to restorethem.

Can You Ftp To S3

DigitalOcean Spaces Storage

To configure DigitalOcean Spaces Storage:

  1. Create a DigitalOceanaccount.
  2. Create aspace.
  3. Create a directory for storing backups inside the space. Note thepath to this directory and the space URL. You will use them later toconfigure DigitalOcean Spaces storage.
  4. Create an access key andsecret.Note them because you will use them later to configure DigitalOceanSpaces storage. Keep in mind that the secret is only displayed once,when it is created. There is no way to retrieve it later.
  5. Go to Tools & Settings > Backup Manager > Remote StorageSettings > Amazon S3 Backup.
  6. Under 'Service provider', select 'DigitalOcean Spaces'.
  7. Paste the space URL, the path to the directory where the backups willbe stored, the access key, and the secret into the correspondingfields, and then click OK.

The DigitalOcean storage is configured. You can now select it whencreating a manual or scheduled backup.

S3-compatible storage

A number of services offering remote storage use APIs compatible withAmazon S3. We call them S3-compatible. Of those, Plesk explicitlysupports DigitalOcean, Minio, and OpenStack.

You can try configuring any other S3-compatible storage in Plesk, butthere is no guarantee that it will work as expected. You can use theAWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI)to check an S3-compatible storage for compatibility with Plesk. If youcan upload or download a file from the storage via the AWS CLI, you canprobably use the storage with Plesk.

S3 Ftp Server

To configure an S3-compatible storage:

  1. Go to Tools & Settings > Backup Manager > Remote StorageSettings > Amazon S3 Backup.
  2. Under 'Service provider', select 'Custom (Minio, OpenStack, etc)'.
  3. Fill in all the fields. Pay particular attention to the 'Bucket' and'Path' fields. A bucket is a place that you create to store data inan S3-compatible storage. You need to note the bucket name and pasteit in the 'Bucket' field. In the 'Path' field, you need to paste apath to the directory inside the bucket where you want to storebackups.
  4. Click OK.

The S3-compatible storage is configured. You can now select it whencreating a manual or scheduled backup.

Microsoft OneDrive Backup Storage

To configure the Microsoft OneDrive Backup storage:

  1. Go to Tools & Settings > Backup Manager > Remote StorageSettings > Microsoft OneDrive Backup.
  2. Sign in to your Microsoft account. Plesk will store backups in theOneDrive storage associated with the account. If you do not have aMicrosoft account, createone.
  3. Click the link to send the Microsoft authorization data to Plesk.
  4. Select the 'Use the storage' checkbox.
  5. (Optional) By default, Plesk stores backups in the'Apps/plesk-backup/' folder in your MicrosoftOneDrive storage. You can specify a different folder, if desired.
  6. Click OK.

The Microsoft OneDrive Backup storage is configured. You can now selectit when creating a manual or scheduled backup.

If you want to store backups in OneDrive storage associated with adifferent Microsoft account, go to Websites & Domains > BackupManager > Remote Storage Settings > Microsoft OneDrive Backup Boot linux off usb. and click the 'Log out' link.

This will disconnect the currently connected OneDrive Backup storage.You can then connect a different one following the steps above.Disconnecting OneDrive Backup storage does not remove the Plesk backupsstored in it. If you reconnect it at a later date, you will see thestored backups in the Backup Manager and will be able to restore them.

Securing Backups in Remote Storage With a Password

You can secure backups stored in remote storage with a password. Doingso encrypts the passwords stored in the backup, such as mail accountpasswords or database user passwords. Even if a third party obtains abackup, they will not be able to get the passwords stored inside.

When you restore a password-secured backup, you need to provide thepassword. If you cannot, all passwords stored in the backup aregenerated randomly.

To secure remote storage backups with a password:

  1. Configure at least one remote storage.

  2. Go to Tools & Settings > Backup Manager > Remote StorageSettings. The section 'Backup security settings' has becomeavailable.

  3. Under 'Password Protection', click the 'change' link next to'Disabled'.

  4. Select the 'Use password protection (recommended)' checkbox.

  5. Type in the password in the corresponding fields.

  6. Click OK.

Now all backups stored in remote storage will be secured with thepassword.

Information about Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3).

As best practice, we recommend using Amazon S3 instead of FTP as a method for getting files from and delivering files to partners. Amazon S3 provides a simple web services interface that can be used to store and retrieve any amount of data, at any time, from anywhere on the web.

The benefits of using Amazon S3 include:

Amazon S3 Ftp Settings Plugin

  • Scalability: Amazon S3 provides almost limitless scalability.

  • Reliability and Availability: Amazon S3 provides high durability and high availability storage services.

  • Speed: Amazon S3 allows fast data transfers.

  • Ease of Use: Amazon S3 is very easy to use and to implement. Your implementation can be up and running in about an hour. Implementing a FTP directory takes much longer.

  • Multi-Part Uploads: Large files can be uploaded quickly and efficiently as multi-part file uploads.

  • Security: Amazon S3 provides strong security.

    • All directories are accessible only to the appropriate customer or client.
    • HTTPS protocol support for uploads and downloads. You should always use HTTPS when transferring files in Audience Manager.
    • Amazon S3 provides encryption-at-rest for encrypting outbound data files. We use the SSE-S3 encryption method, which allows encryption keys to be automatically generated and managed by Amazon S3.
  • Debug and Backup Support: Amazon S3 allows Audience Manager to retain exact copies of files to make debugging or re-transfers easier.

For more information about Amazon S3, see the following resources:

Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) on the Amazon Web Services website.

Get Started with Amazon Simple Storage Service on the AWS Documentation website.

Resources on

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